Showing posts sorted by date for query Iceland Water Volcano. Sort by relevance Show all posts

Vestmannæyar: The Westman Islands

Vestmannæyar is an archipelago of about 15 islands, located in the south of Iceland (that take 30 minutes to get to by boat from Landeyjahöf...

Rent a car in Iceland: Car Comparison by price in Iceland + Tips for Renting a Car in Iceland

If you’re planning to tour Iceland by car, then Iceland car rentals provide the cheapest and best way to explore the vast island. With publi...

Route 550 - The Kaldidalsvegur / Kaldidalur Interior Route

The Kaldidalsvegur (officially known as Route 550) is the shortest of the highland tracks traversing the Highlands of Iceland, therefore the...

Sprengisandur: Route F26 or Sprengisandsleið - Iceland

Route F26 or Sprengisandsleið is a highland gravel road in Iceland, running through the Sprengisandur area between the glaciers Hofsjökull a...